Table e6-3.1 polymath program
Table e6-3.1 polymath program

This stage also includes development of a QTL monitoring plan to define timeframe and frequency of reviews and data sources for monitoring. The Define stage, occurring after availability of a draft protocol and before enrollment of the first participant, includes defining the parameters and thresholds for QTLs. The QTL process described in this framework includes three stages: Define, Monitor, and Report. The introduction of QTLs challenged sponsors with interpreting and operationalizing the guidance.


The guidelines included the requirement to establish Quality Tolerance Limits (QTLs) to guide clinical trial quality proactively by controlling for risks and allowing for corrective actions to be taken during the conduct of the trial to avoid later quality issues. Section 5.0 Quality Management was added to the guidelines with the introduction of a risk-based approach to quality management at the protocol and system levels. A major revision to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines occurred in November 2016 with the publication of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) E6(R2) guidelines, later adopted by various Health Authorities (HA). In the past decade, clinical development regulations have moved with the pharmaceutical industry to modernize clinical development and embrace the paradigms of risk-based quality management. Accessed ) and considerations for setting thresholds. ICH harmonised guideline: integrated addendum to ICH E6(R1): guideline for good clinical practice E6(R2). The framework includes proposed approaches for implementation of QTLs for a clinical trial as defined in Section 5.0.4 and 5.0.7 of ICH E6(R2) (International Council for Harmonisation (ICH). The framework is intended to maximize efficiency and minimize confusion in the implementation of QTLs. This QTL Framework is intended to aid industry’s ability to improve the quality of clinical research through the implementation of QTLs in a way that helps protect trial participants and reliability of trial results while meeting Health Authority (HA) expectations. In support of this new requirement, TransCelerate developed a framework to guide industry sponsors and their agents in implementing QTLs. Elevating these measures as part of the Quality Management System (QMS) provides greater visibility across clinical trial functions and the enterprise as well as to measures that are important indicators of the state of participant protection and reliability of trial results. QTLs provide measured feedback on clinical trial parameters previously only used by statistical and clinical functions to track trial progress toward endpoints. Accessed ) introduced Quality Tolerance Limits (QTLs) to the industry, and in doing so, modernized quality control for clinical trials. The International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) E6(R2) (International Council for Harmonisation (ICH).

Table e6-3.1 polymath program